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RES seeks to be a power for good in the communities that neighbour our projects by working openly and constructively to ensure sensitive design and tangible local benefits. Local communities to Solwaybank Wind Farm can benefit in a number of ways.

Local Electricity Discount Scheme (LEDS)

The Local Electricity Discount Scheme (LEDS) is a RES initiative which seeks to deliver direct and tangible benefits to people living and working closest to Solwaybank Wind Farm.  The scheme offers an annual discount to the electricity bills of those properties closest to the wind farm and scheme is open to all residential, business and community buildings (including schools, places of worship and village halls). Participation in the scheme is voluntary and does not require any change of electricity supplier or tariff. As a fixed amount (index linked), rather than a percentage of electricity bills, LEDS does not reward higher electricity users over lower users or encourage energy profligacy.  For more information please visit https://leds.res-group.com/.

Community Benefit Fund

RES believes that local communities should benefit directly from hosting wind farms in their area. A Community Benefit Fund of £2,000 per installed megawatt, per year has been established which will allow local people to benefit from the wind farm. It is up to the local community as to how the fund is managed and spent.

For more information, including details on how to apply to the fund, please visit https://www.decbg.org.uk/the-solwaybank-windfarm-community-benefit-fund/

Local Business

RES tries to ensure that, wherever reasonably practicable, local contractors and employees are used in all aspects of wind farm development. The major opportunity lies during the construction phase when suitably qualified local firms are identified and invited to bid for different aspects of construction, such as foundation laying and electrical works. Construction materials are normally sourced locally (i.e. within the county) and local transport and plant hire companies used wherever possible.  £1.5 million of contracts was awarded to local companies during the construction of Solwaybank Wind Farm.  For more information click here.  The wind farm will also support the equivalent of 1-2 part-time positions during operation and maintenance.